The concept of union with God, the divine, or some transcendent form of reality, is a central theme in many religious traditions. While the specifics may vary, the general idea is often one of seeking a deep and intimate connection with the divine, transcending the limitations of the self, and experiencing a sense of oneness or unity with God–a blissful and enlightening experience.
In Hinduism, the concept of union with God is often referred to as “moksha” or “liberation.” It is seen as the ultimate goal of human existence, where the individual soul (known as “atman”) realizes its true nature and becomes one with the divine reality (known as “Brahman”). In Christianity, the concept of union with God is often understood as “communion” or “intimacy” with God. It is believed that through faith in Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, believers can experience a deep and personal relationship with God, resulting in a sense of unity and intimacy with the divine. In Islam, the concept of “tawhid” represents the oneness and unity of God (Allah), which is one of the core principles of the religion. In Sikhism, the concept of union with God is often expressed through the idea of “sehaj” or spiritual equipoise.

“Turning to the doctrine of the Atonement, its root meaning is reconciliation, the recovery of wholeness or at-one-ment. Christians were convinced that Christ’s life and death had effected an unparalleled rapprochement between God and humanity.”
—Huston Smith, scholar of Religion
“It is extremely difficult to obtain the vision you have had; even the gods long always to see me in this aspect. Neither knowledge of the Vedas, nor austerity, nor charity, nor sacrifice can bring the vision you have seen. But through unfailing devotion, Arjuna, you can know me, see me, and attain union with me.”
—The Bhagavad Gita, Hindu text
“To [Allah] belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Then to Him you will all be returned.”
–Qur’an (39:44), Islamic scripture
“Unity is the expression of the loving power of God and reflects the reality of Divinity. It is resplendent in this Day through the bestowals of light upon humanity.”
–‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha’i prophet
“My limbs are without feeling and my mind is without light. I have ignored my body and cast aside my wisdom. Thus I am united with the Tao.”
–The Book of Chuang Tzu, Taoist text
“One who is merged in the Word of the Guru’s Shabad [scriptural word] does not know any other.”
–Guru Granth Sahib (Ang 923), Sikh scripture
Modern Philosophy and Psychology
“The religious form of love, that which is called the love of God […] springs from the need to overcome separateness and to achieve union.”
—Erich Fromm, social psychologist and philosopher