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Wholeness: Exploring the Religion of Peace Through Shared Religious Wisdom

The journey towards a global understanding of religious wisdom, our collective heritage, often starts with small steps, such as drawing connections between two or three traditions. When we uncover these commonalities, we establish a strong foundation for a broader comprehension. Interestingly, these parallels sometimes reveal themselves, even when we aren’t actively searching for them. For […]

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Understanding the Flawed Human Condition

Every year on June 27th, we celebrate the birthday of Helen Keller as a national holiday in the U.S. Keller overcame tremendous physical limitations, becoming the first blind and deaf person to earn a bachelor’s degree. Her tireless activism significantly improved awareness and accommodations for blind and deaf individuals, and others with physical disabilities. Reflecting

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The Allegory of the Cave: Exploring Illusion and Enlightenment

The allegory of the cave is a philosophical concept introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work “The Republic.” It describes a scenario where people are chained in a cave and can only perceive the shadows of objects projected on the cave wall, mistaking those shadows for reality. The allegory serves as a

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